Trials By Fire is an ongoing series. Completely abstract in their process, the artist selects images that reflect her own personal symbolism, and enhances the photographs according to her own emotional connection to the work. All the images are created from the same physical objects, but taken at different times, under different conditions, in different seasons. They reflect not only their own transitions, but also those of whoever is experiencing the work.
She Had Been Hiding Herself For a Really Long Time
And She Watched the Serpent Take Form From Her Own Liquid Mind
She Spoke The Words, and With Her Death, Brought Forth The Light
The Playa Called, and She Danced
The Blue Sea Enveloped The World Under Cover of Night
At Night, She Believed She Lived In the Most Beautiful of Places
She Brushed By Them Softly As She Rose Into The Night Sky
She Whispered To the Mountains, But the Mountains Never Answer the Wind
The Battle Between Gods and Titans Still Carry On
Interstellar Miscommunications
There Were Days She Felt Like Nothing More Than a Caged Bird
Memories From a Journey To The Center of the Earth
Sometimes We Carry Deep Scars From Things Unseen
It Was Evident Now, That This Had Been A Quiet Destruction of Ideas
Even Going Back In Time Cannot Repair Things To Their Original State
All Paths Eventually Reached This Place